Everyone’s expectations, that is, except his own and those of his father, who took extreme and unorthodox measures to drive Edelman to quiet the doubters with ferocious competitiveness. Whether it was in Pop Warner football, where his Redwood City, California, team won a national championship in high school where he went from a 4’10”, 95-pound freshman running back to quarterback for an undefeated Woodside High team or college, where he rewrote records at Kent State as a dual-threat quarterback, Edelman far exceeded everyone’s expectations. It was also because he had been counted out in most of his life and career, and he had proved them all wrong. It wasn’t only because of his belief in his teammates, led by the master of the comeback, his friend and quarterback Tom Brady-or the coaching staff run by the legendary Bill Belichick. When the Patriots were down 28-3 in Super Bowl LI, there was at least one player who refused to believe they would lose: Julian Edelman. The Super Bowl champion wide receiver for the New England Patriots shares his inspiring story of an underdog kid who was always doubted to becoming one of the most reliable and inspiring players in the NFL. Tom Brady: “It’s a privilege for me to play with someone as special as Julian.”

Bill Belichick: “Julian is the epitome of competitiveness, toughness, and the great things that are possible when someone is determined to achieve their goals.”