Turns out the Pequeninos are less than happy with this arrangement. Alien Non-Interference Clause: The colonists of Lusitania initially practice this towards the Pequeninos, to incredibly extreme degrees, to the point that a xenologer's correspondence with an offworld colleague explains that he cannot comment on their reproduction because they have yet to perform it in front of him.

She's spent most of her existence hiding in the Galactic "Internet" because she's aware of the whole Killer Robot cliche and worried how humans will react to her. Is a Crapshoot: Played with and examined with Jane. Speaker for the Dead provides examples of: In the course of his investigation, Ender then discovers the secret of the Pequeninos, and the secrets behind the tragic mess that made up Novinha, Libo, Pipo, and Marcos's life. Novinha's children, however, want a Speaker for Libo and their own father Marcos, who died recently. Ender travels to Lusitania with his AI friend Jane, but discovers that Novinha has since tried to have the order cancelled in the twenty-two year interim. In the time since the first book Ender is remembered for the xenocide of the Bugger species, so he goes by the name Andrew. The Speaker Novinha gets is none other than Ender Wiggin, who is still alive thanks to Time Dilation. A Speaker for the Dead is a sort of professional eulogizer, someone who investigates the life of their dead subject to try and understand their life-and then explains the life and character of their subject in blunt, honest terms, without leaving anything out. Novinha then makes a request for a Speaker for the Dead for Pipo. Pipo's son Libo wants to know what it was that his father discovered, but childhood friend and fellow researcher Novinha locks Pipo's research so that Libo won't meet the same fate as his father. One of the Pequeninos researchers, Pipo, discovers a link between the Piggies and the Descolada and goes to talk to the Piggies about it, and is later found ritually murdered in a manner similar to how the Piggies kill their own. Lusitania is also home to the Descolada, a disease that is deadly to humans but harmless to the Piggies. The Pequeninos, or "Piggies" as they are nicknamed, have a not fully understood culture involving the flora of Lusitania, and the small human population on the planet is dedicated to researching them and the planet.

Thousands of years after the events of Ender's Game, humanity has managed to find only one other alien species in the known universe: the Pequeninos on the planet Lusitania. Followed by Xenocide and Children of the Mind. Speaker for the Dead is the first sequel for Ender's Game, written in 1986 by Orson Scott Card.