
The Batman Adventures by Paul Dini
The Batman Adventures by Paul Dini

The first half of the book is more interesting, since it features an adaptation of the Court Of Owls for the Animated Series universe, but even that feels oddly restrained, all things considered. I've seen Batman fight mobsters and such before, there's like 5 seasons of it - let's do something different for a change?

The Batman Adventures by Paul Dini

It's obviously a conscious choice, and while hewing closer to the source material will probably please most people, I found this volume less compelling than the first for this reason. Gone are the likes of recognisable names like Deathstroke and Red Hood, instead mostly replaced by a corruption storyline featuring the old mayor of Gotham. The second volume of Batman: The Animated Series adventures reads much closer to the original series in terms of general plot compared to the first outing.

The Batman Adventures by Paul Dini