The artistic guy The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. The confident man doesn’t seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. Why he is so irresistible Women are attracted to confident men. In a relationship, he doesn't get jealous of other men he doesn't feel threatened by his girlfriend’s male friends or co-workers. He is assertive in public, and gives off an aura of power and control. The confident guy He is totally secure and sure of himself. Why he is so irresistible An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship, and if you can show her that you’ve got that, she’ll be hooked pretty quickly. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours, and it will never get boring. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humour, and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. The intelligent one He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating, and listens to what she has to say in response. The list could help you understand what women are looking for, and most importantly, to make sure that you fit the bill. Below are seven of these "ideal types" of guys that women are drawn to, and an explanation as to why these guys are so appealing, reports Fox News. Which is your kind? Always wondered why some guys always manage to get the best of girls? Well, the secret is not good looks or a well-defined six pack, but the fact that women simply get attracted to certain personality traits and flock to men who possess them. Here is a list of different kind of guys that interest a girl.